The 'wealthy' grad student begins

Hi.  My name is Anthony, and I'm an alcoho-...grad student.  I have spent some four years in grad school so far, two years for my master’s and now am “half way” through my PhD.  For myself (and many other students) the prospect of graduating in another few years is slightly terrifying.  As I write this first post I feel a sudden urge to watch "The Shawshank Redemption" on repeat so that I might convince myself that lugging out a pocket full of rocks each day over many years will eventually lead to sweet sweet freedom!

For anyone who is/has been a grad student, or who knows one, it is probably clear that graduate students sometimes struggle with keeping up morale.  A grad degree can be like walking through a long dark tunnel where you  cannot tell if you are moving forward or backward.  The light at the end of “the Grunnel” becomes apparent only when you are already there.  For this reason...

Along the way there are many things to stub your toes on and occasionally someone has left open a cupboard door which you smack with your head in that unforgiving way from below.  I know what I’d do in such a place...I’d sit the hell down!  Procrastination and Distraction are two of the grad student’s closest friends anyway! Self-Pity hangs out from time to time too, but only close to the cupboards....

During the first year of my PhD after defending my Master’s I was more distracted than normal. To make a long story short, the reason was that my morale was as absent as profs tend to be during grant season.  I seriously considered quitting.  For some reasons which currently elude me and other reasons which I will expand on later, I slowly realized, “I’m not a quitter and I have to pick myself the hell up”.  I spent my second year trying to build up an arsenal of positive outlook that might allow me to pass safely through the Grunnel.  

Now to the point.  What’s the deal with this blog anyway and why is it called The “Wealthy” Grad Student? There are three reasons.  First, I find it somewhat amusing to associate the idea of wealth with a grad student.  Second, the topic of saving money while maintaining equal or greater happiness will be a recurring theme.  Third and most importantly - I sincerely believe that there is a great store of abstract wealth (value) to be had in grad school and if we can find it, or  maybe learn it, it will be of tremendous benefit to us now and in perpetuity.  The “Wealthy” Grad Student will be a place where I commit these ideas to writing.  I am not thee wealthy grad student, it's just the name of the blog : )! 

Why am I doing this?  I believe that writing helps me to crystallize my thoughts and  may help me to reinforce my ideas in my own head.  I also wish to share some of the ideas that really helped me out when I was feeling low in the off chance that they might strike a chord with other students who have a case of the grad school blues.  Perhaps I feel the need to create something tangible  or maybe I just need some attention!  Either way, hope you enjoy!



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